
**** Beautiful Worker ****

Business is an occupation which is considered cool by some people, especially if your business is run by youth,, woww really really cool. Business performance is to watch out because people will be appreciated from the exterior first. if you looked neat, clean, stylish, not stuffy and cool then your business associates will  appreciate you because your dress style,,, it's very unusual.
But in most people they are in business in any field mostly less concerned with his appearance, for example, they do not have time to iron his clothes for being late to go to the office, wear clothing that's it when it actually has a collection of clothes which is pretty much in the cupboard so that it looks monotonous, unless they a business in fashion, then the appearance will be prosecuted to the best that she/ he has.

Cotton Blouse Businesse
So whether you are a businessperson who does not want to seem monotonous old clothes that you wear to work everyday?Maybe you could try mixing matching your clothes in cupboard that has not you wear with your new clothes, there's no harm in it?Or maybe some reference pictures here you can use as inspiration for the clothing business meets these demands. ok good luck.

Creative Business Style

Business Style
Business Suit 

Chic Business Dress

Rock n' Roll

Get the ultimate 50’s look with these gorgeous rock and roll different designs?  Whether you need one for a special occasion or if you’re the type of girl who just can’t resist dresses, take a load off and check out our amazing range.  Made from highly durable, lightweight and breathable materials, your product will see you right the way though the year. So while you’re here, you might as well check out our rock and roll dresses section.  Go on, you know you want to!
Teens who embraced rock 'n' roll began looking and dressing in ways that veered from the accepted norm. Or they adapted the "greaser" look favoring tight T-shirts and dungarees, a type of jean, along with black leather jackets. Their hair was grown long, greased with Vaseline, and combed on both sides to extend beyond the back of the head: a style known as the ducktail, or D.A. White bucks were replaced by blue suede shoes: the name of a mid-1950s smash-hit by early rock 'n' roll icon Carl Perkins (1932–1998). 


Their girlfriends expressed themselves by wearing felt poodle skirts, which often featured such images as record players and musical notes attached to their fronts, or they wore short, tight skirts, stockings, tight blouses and sweaters, and an over-abundance of eye shadow and lipstick. While a preppy couple who was "going steady," or seriously dating, exchanged class rings or identification bracelets, a greaser girl instead put on her boyfriend's leather jacket.


Sock Hop


The Different eras of fashion from the past such as the 1950s to the 1980s are interesting to learn about. It’s even more interesting when you’re in the future and look back at the past’s fashion.

      The 1950s fashion brought glamour all over the world. In the 50s woman were happy to have dresses dropped down below the knee and be fancier. Some dresses or blouses had shoulder pads. Woman also wore scarves at the neck. The more gang woman wore leather jackets and scarves. The 50s had a dance called the sock hop when woman went to the sock hop they wore either poodle skirts or a pony with the bangs flipped under sometimes a bow or for the gang woman they would have their hair teased and the leather jacket with a scarf.


Casual Friday

Chic and Casual In Friday

Casual Friday along with dressing casually during the week became very prevalent during the Dot-com bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000s rooted in a relaxed California-based business culture. The day (also known as Dress-down Friday, or simply Casual day) is an American and Canadian trend which for a time spread to other parts of the world, wherein some offices may celebrate a semi-reprieve from the constrictions of a formal dress code. Whereas, during the rest of the week, business shirts, suits, ties, trousers, and dress shoes would be the norm, on Casual Friday workers might be allowed to wear more casual dress. So why not????

Casual Friday Jeans and Blazer
The tropical roots of Casual Friday go back to at least 1947 in Hawaii, when the city of Honolulu allowed workers to wear the Aloha shirt part of the year. The term Aloha Friday dates from the 1960s, when the shirts were worn on Fridays instead of normal business attire. It may be seen as a corporate response attempting to raise worker morale in a sometimes stifling white-collar office environment. In the late 1970s, when the production of cheap clothing outside the United States became more widespread, there was a massive campaign by large clothing producers to make Casual Friday a weekly event.

If you have a favorite work look you would like to share, we’d love to hear from you. 

Denim Trousers Office

Work Wear

Vintage Flappers

^ Oh....Wow,,,What a beatiful Vintage Dress ^


Flapper in the 1920s was a term applied to a "new breed" of young women who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior. Flappers were seen as brash for wearing excessive makeup, drinking, treating sex in a casual manner, smoking, driving automobiles and otherwise flouting social and sexual norms.

Flappers had their origins in the period of Liberalism, social and political turbulence and increased transatlantic cultural exchange that followed the end of World War I, as well as the export of American jazz culture to Europe.

Hair and accessories
Boyish cuts were in vogue, especially the Bob cut, Eton crop, and Shingle bob. Finger Waving was used as a means of styling. Hats were still required wear and popular styles included the Newsboy cap and Cloche hat.
Jewelry usually consisted of art deco pieces, especially many layers of beaded necklaces. Pins, rings, and brooches came into style. Horn-rimmed glasses were also popular.


Cloche Hat

As far back as the 1890s, French actress Polaire pioneered a look which included short, dishevelled hair, emphatic mouth and huge eyes heavily outlined in mascara. The evolving flapper look required 'heavy makeup' in comparison to what had previously been acceptable outside of professional usage in the theatre. With the invention of the metal lipstick container as well as compact mirrors bee stung lips came into vogue. Dark eyes, especially Kohl-rimmed, were the style. Blush came into vogue now that it was no longer a messy application process.
Originally, pale skin was considered most attractive. However, tanned skin became increasingly popular after Coco Chanel donned a tan after spending too much time in the sun on holiday – it suggested a life of leisure, without the onerous need to work. Women wanted to look fit, sporty, and, above all, healthy.

Modern Flappers